These prints were created in the course ‘Expecting the Unexpected’ in my first year of college using a process known as ‘Monoprinting’.
Monoprinting is a form of printmaking that has images or lines that can only be made once, unlike most printmaking, where there are multiple originals. There are many techniques of monoprinting. Examples of standard printmaking techniques which can be used to make monoprints include lithography, woodcut, and etching.
I used natural elements like bamboo shoots, different kinds of leaves, barks of the tress, jute etc to give each one a unique pattern.
Size: 8x6 Inches each
Material: Acrylic Inks
I used these monoprints to create some art pieces inspired by an artist Josef Albers (1888-1976).
A German-born American artist and educator. He was known for his Geometric Abstraction in different mediums.
Some of my works inspired by Josef Albers’ art pieces.
The articulation of the abstraction is similar to what he used to do.
So I planned to merge his works into mine to get something beautiful.
Size: 8x6 Inches
Edited using Josef Albers' Artwork named Graphic Tectonic, 1941
Graphic Tectonic, 1941
Josef Albers
Size: 8x6 Inches
Edited using Josef Albers' Artwork Untitled, 1926
Untitled, 1926
Josef Albers
Size: 8x6 Inches
Edited using Josef Albers' Artwork named Grid Mounted, 1921
Grid Mounted, 1921
Josef Albers
Size: 8x6 Inches
Edited using Josef Albers' Artwork named Park, 1924
Park, 1924
Josef Albers
Using the original monoprints prints, I developed little gift tags and greeting cards, 
which I intend to sell in the future.
A set of 10 differently designed Gifts Tags
A set of 5 differently designed Greeting Cards
I intend to use these monoprints for some more products like a notebook cover or even cushion covers.


These prints were created in the course ‘Expecting the Unexpected’ in my first year of college using a process known as ‘Monoprinting’. I used na Read More
